Archive | November, 2017

The Joys of Reloading – One Response to Ridiculous Ammunition Laws

My entry into the world of reloading was almost unintentional, at least at first. I always thought I would consider it at some point but I’d assumed that time was a ways off. As I became immersed in the gun community my plan began to change. When I became more aware of the anti gun […]

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CCW Permits in San Diego County – What the Numbers Are, What the Numbers Should Be

Recently I watched a short video of Sheriff Bill Gore speaking to the Latino American Political Association (LAPA) here in San Diego. The part of the talk captured on the video concerns Sheriff Gore discussing his CCW policy. Sheriff Gore makes a number of misleading statements in the video. You can view the video and […]

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Why I’m Not A Concert Pianist: The Importance of Fundamentals

When I was a young boy, my parents gave me piano lessons. I had a knack for it, but soon ran into a problem: I needed to learn my scales, but I didn’t want to practice them. I didn’t see the point. “What does this teach me?” I asked. “Scales are boring. Why can’t I […]

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