I’m Offering You Your Gun Rights For Just $1

Many of you know that we here at “The Shooters Hangout” and “Gun Owners of California” have been working hard the past 6 months fighting the knuckleheads at the city of Carlsbad trying to get them to allow a new gun range in Carlsbad.
Many at the city supported us but we were outvoted each time.


So we are bringing out the big guns!
We are putting forth a ballot measure to let the voters decide rather than the “anti gun” politicians.

I never like to tell someone else what to do with their hard earned money, but I’m going to ask for $1.
That’s all! Just one dollar.
Rather than asking people to carry buckets, I’m asking everyone to carry one cup of water. And we can fill this lake and flood this state!
Now I know some people may be on hard times and have more bills than money so perhaps a few people will donate $5 to carry someone else’s weight.
We have a little over 71,000 followers of this news site, so if everyone donates $1 then we will fully fund this ballot measure.

Let’s not let these anti gun, tree hugging, prius driving, save the whales, self righteous, left over hippies from restricting your 2nd Amendment Rights any longer!
Don’t let them do this to you!!!

This successful ballot measure will give Lisa Gunther the permission to open a new gun range, and it will also put fear in the hearts of every anti gun politician in the state of California!


See these details below from Michael Schwartz:

I would like to announce the ballot measure we just launched to force the Carlsbad City Council to let Lisa Gunther build her recreational, indoor, shooting range!

This is your opportunity to stand up and send the message that we are NOT going to stand-down and let politicians push us around anymore! Like many of you, for years I have been fighting to restore our gun rights and I hear over and over again from fellow gun owners that someone should do “something”.

Here is our opportunity. Right here and right now. We’ve formed a committee and hired a lawyer. Eventually we will need your help gathering signatures and promoting this ballot measure in Carlsbad, but today I am writing you to ask for a donation.

To donate go to http://www.carlsbadcitizens.org/ and give what you can under the “DONATION” section. No donation is too small!

This victory will show every politician in San Diego (and California) that we are done being ignored, taken for granted, and being worked against!

Be the change you want to see and don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Don’t sit back and hope others will fight for your rights!

To help:
1. Donate today.
2. Forward this email to everyone you know in San Diego County.
3. Ask others to donate just like you did.

This is it, everyone. Our group has made huge strides to make a difference in our gun rights. THIS is the next step in the “something” people have wished “someone” would do. Step up and help us today!

Call or email with any questions.

Thank you!

Michael A. Schwartz
Carlsbad Citizens For Responsible Government


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