The Joys of Reloading – One Response to Ridiculous Ammunition Laws

My entry into the world of reloading was almost unintentional, at least at first. I always thought I would consider it at some point but I’d assumed that time was a ways off. As I became immersed in the gun community my plan began to change. When I became more aware of the anti gun forces and how the laws in California were focused against gun ownership it occurred to me that it would be smart to learn how to reload ammunition sooner rather than later.

SB 1235 is the ammunition regulatory law that will go into effect in 2018 and 2019. Essentially it will require anyone who sells ammunition (gun shops) and anyone wishing to buy ammunition (you) to participate in a registry administered by the state. Buyers (you) will pay a fee for the privilege of having the state grant them permission to buy ammunition for their firearms. Buyers (you again) will also absorb the additional costs incurred by gun shops for processing this information and providing it to the state.

Not to be alarmist, but registration in the anti gun community is usually the first step to banning something. It is likely that several years from now certain ammunition will be “limited”. For instance, why would anyone need more than 100 9mm rounds per month? This could be followed by a ban, say; .223-caliber ammunition (the caliber in which the evil AR 15 platform is most commonly chambered) can no longer be sold in California.

After considering these things I decided to learn how to reload my own ammunition. After some research and discussions with people that were experienced in reloading, I chose the Hornady Lock-N-Load Auto Progressive reloading press. Starting with nothing you can buy everything you need to be up and running for less than about $800. The Dillon Super 1050 will likely be my next step. The Dillon has higher capacity but with a much greater initial cost.

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By Joe Drammissi

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