One final reminder: local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll.


I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice.
I am always a student of the gun.
Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better and better.
That is why I keep taking courses, that is why I participate in competitions, that is why I dry practice at home to continue to learn.

The person who tells you they don’t need any more training or practice is a fool.
The person who thinks they will rise to the occasion when their life is in danger is a fool.

Having said that, there is a local training opportunity coming up for those of you that live in San Diego County.
Guncraft Training Academy is coming back to town and holding some courses at the ranch.

One Day Introductory Handgun CourseFriday Oct 31st
One Day Level 2 Handgun CourseFriday Oct 31st
Two Day Basic Rifle Course Sat-SunNov 1-2
Two Day Level 2 Rifle Course Sat-SunNov 1-2

Yes, we all have wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, roommates, children, nieces, nephews that have always wanted to learn how to properly shoot a handgun. This is their opportunity! They will learn safety. They will learn how a hand gun operates. Not just how to load and unload a handgun but they will also learn proper stance, grip, sight picture, sight alignment, trigger control, follow through. And much more. For more details see the link below.

We also have friends who have purchased a AR15 or other rifle and have no formalized training and really don’t know what they are doing. The Basic Rifle Course is hugely important for them to know how to effectively run that weapon system.
The level 2 courses are for those of you that have solid formalized training and are ready to take your skills to the next advanced level!

Take the day off work and have the most incredibly fun Halloween day that you’ve ever had!
Spend 8 hours learning how to shoot a handgun properly and safely on a beautiful 400 acre local ranch, you’ll be done by 4pm and still have time to get cleaned up, dressed up and hit your favorite Halloween party! It will be a day so filled with fun that you will never forget it!!!

1-day introductory handgun course $249

1-day Accelerated Primary (Level 2) Handgun Course w/ Night Class $249
This course has some material from the Advanced Tactics handgun course at Front Sight, and some other new concepts and skills. This is an opportunity for those of you that have not secured a Distinguished Graduate certificate at FS to learn more advanced skills.

2-day Basic Rifle Course (Level 1) $499

2-day Primary (Level 2) Rifle Course w/ Night Class $499

I have heard a rumor they will demonstrating ballistics on some holiday fruit such as pumpkins and watermellons .. 😉

You don’t need to own a firearm to enroll.
Rental handguns and rifles are available for rent.
Camping is available.
Contact me or Guncraft with questions.


Watch a short video of Guncraft Training Academy from this summer teaching a Tactical Shotgun Course at the ranch.

Time for a serious note. New York Times reports exhaustive survey:
1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted.
1 in 4 women will be beaten.
1 in 6 women will be stalked.
Is it now clear? Get a gun and learn how to use it! Don’t be a victim!
Men, do the same. Get a gun and learn how to use it! Protect your ladies!

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