Why do you need firearms training? Yes, I’m talking to you!

The Key to Securing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

The vast majority of Americans, be they gun-owners or not, are unconsciously incompetent about firearms. That is, they don’t know what they don’t know. The perceptions that the average non-gun-owner has about firearms are largely driven by what they see in media, or by the opinions of those around them. These sources, very frequently, are as uninformed as the average non-gun owning citizen. This leads to a lot of misconceptions about the nature of firearms and gun ownership. Fear, born of ignorance, causes these people to reject the idea that a private citizen should own a gun in the first place.
Even among gun owners, lack of knowledge and training is prolific. Because they are simply unaware of what they need to know in order to safely and effectively use their weapon in self-defense, many assume that they will instinctively know what to do in a life-threatening encounter. Others presume that the mere sight or sound of a weapon will dissuade potential attackers. They either do not understand or choose to ignore the need for proper training.
Still others realize their need for training, but they are unsure of where to get it. Often, such people will seek training from the NRA or a local firearms instructor. While such training generally provides a rudimentary understanding of weapon-craft, it often lacks depth or sufficient repetition to properly ingrain good habits. Furthermore, the erstwhile student may leave feeling that they have learned all they need to be successful, not realizing the myriad of other skills they can develop or the level of proficiency they can (and should) attain in those skills.
The most ambitious may seek training at a major firearms training school, where they can learn a full range of skills in safety, gun handling, marksmanship, and defensive techniques. Unfortunately, many such schools are costly and/or offer classes very infrequently. The waiting list to attend a course can stretch to over a year long. Some schools also utilize training methodologies that are unsuitable to the average American. Such schools may impose a stress-filled, militaristic environment, where the instructors shout at, curse at, or even belittle and insult the students. Others expect the students to be in prime physical shape and are not willing to train those who are not.
Even in the realm of those who carry a gun as part of their daily job, such as law enforcement, security, and military, there is an epidemic of low-quality training. Qualification standards are woefully inadequate, and the effects of such low standards are reflected in the low hit ratio in many police shootings. Even worse, some officers view the carrying and training with a firearm as a burdensome requirement of the job, approaching the subject with a bare-minimum mentality.
It is to serve these people that Guncraft Training Academy exists. Guncraft Training Academy provides a venue where people from all walks of life can learn what it is they need to know in order to be responsible and capable gun owners, and to train to standards of proficiency with a firearm not found anywhere else. For those who are tepid about the idea of owning and shooting a gun, we provide a way to become informed and educated about firearms and their defensive use. For gun owners who realize they need training, but are unsure where to begin, we provide the basic knowledge and training to handle their weapon safely and employ it in a defensive capacity, if necessary. For avid shooters, we help them refine their shooting techniques, allowing them to increase their proficiency to levels they never dreamed possible, while training them to apply their marksmanship skills in ever-more realistic situations. For the professional, we provide a supplement to the bi-annual qualification training and bare-minimum standards found among many law enforcement and military organizations, thus allowing these professionals to gain the skills they really need to win a gunfight.
No matter what skill level a student has when he or she begins training at Guncraft, it is the collective goal of the staff to train that student to a level that exceeds the student’s own expectations of him- or herself. The purpose of Guncraft is to produce as many safe and responsible gun owners as possible, trained to the highest, unconsciously competent level of proficiency.
Through this proliferation of knowledge and training, we advance the cause of the right to keep and bear arms. Opposition to this right among the American population is largely borne of ignorance. As more people become informed about what a gun really is, what it’s capable of, and why it is the best tool for self-defense, this opposition begins to melt. As more gun owners learn how to safely handle their firearms, the number of accidents with firearms decreases, reducing high-profile news stories about such accidents that seek to undermine this right. As more people become proficient and confident to use their weapons for self-defense, the number of victims of crime decreases, enhancing the perception of guns as a positive tool for self-defense.
This is the ultimate goal at Guncraft: to create supporters of the right to keep and bear arms by providing knowledge and training at a level not found anywhere else. Through this proliferation of training, we can create nationwide change in the view of gun ownership and secure our freedoms for our lifetime and beyond.

Guncraft Training Academy

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